Our History
Methodism was born in song and raised up to spread 'scriptural holiness through the land'. Such holiness is a God-like quality which is to be expressed in prayer and in politics, in social justice as well as in a passion to see lives transformed through faith in Jesus. The Methodist movement was founded in the 18th Century by the two Wesley brothers, John and Charles, both Anglican Priests and both of whom spent considerable time in Bristol.
After their deaths, it became an Church independent of the Church of England. The plaque on the outside Church wall highlights the fact that Parkway, lying close to the River Frome, was located in 'Baptist Mills'; a name which tells its own story of the many who came to faith in Christ nearby.
The present Church replaced two earlier Methodist Churches, Brookland and Wesley, both of which were demolished when the motorway was built in the early 1970's. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2020,
and today are part of the wider Bristol and South Gloucestershire Methodist Circuit.